%0 Journal Article %A Beltrán Jiménez, José %A López Maroto, Antonio %T On the dark energy rest frame and the CMB %D 2009 %@ 0094-243x %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/42673 %X Dark energy is usually parametrized as a perfect fliud with negative pressure and a certain equation of state. Besides, it is supposed to interact very weakly with the rest of the components of the universe and, as a consequence, there is no reason to expect it to have the same large scale rest frame as matter and radiation. Thus, apart from its equation of state w and its energy density Q.DE one should also consider its velocity as a free parameter to be determined by observations. This velocity defines a cosmological preferred frame, so the universe becomes anisotropic and, therefore, the CMB temperature fluctuations will be affected, modifying mainly the dipole and the quadrupole. %~