%0 Journal Article %A Blázquez Salcedo, José Luis %A González Romero, Luis Manuel %A Kunz, Jutta %A Mojica, Sindy %A Navarro Lérida, Francisco %T Axial quasinormal modes of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton neutron stars %D 2016 %@ 1550-7998 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/24437 %X We investigate axial quasinormal modes of realistic neutron stars in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton gravity. We consider eight realistic equations of state containing nuclear, hyperonic, and hybrid matter. We focus on the fundamental curvature mode and compare the results with those of pure Einstein theory. We observe that the frequency of the modes is increased by the presence of the Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton, while the impact on the damping time is typically smaller. Interestingly, we obtain that universal relations valid in pure Einstein theory still hold for Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton gravity, and we propose a method to use these phenomenological relations to constrain the value of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling. %~