Molina Martínez, Irene TeresaVicario De La Torre, MartaBenítez Del Castillo Sánchez, José ManuelHerrero Vanrell, María Del RocíoVico Ruiz, Eva2025-01-222025-01-222006-04-28 of liposomal vesicles in aqueous vehicles with tear film characteristics. The present invention addresses the preparation of a pharmaceutical liposomal system in an aqueous solution that incorporates a substance or polymer with mucomimetic and/or mucoadhesive properties and that, owing to its components and characteristics, can replace the precorneal film. This invention is applicable to the areas of pharmacy and medicine.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International of liposomal vesicles in aqueous solutions with tear film characteristicspatentEP2016937A1 access617.7615.4Liposomal vesiclesAqueous vehiclesPharmaceutical liposomal systemMucoadhesive propertiesPrecorneal filmOftalmologíaTecnología farmaceútica32 Ciencias Médicas