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Las virtudes de Humanidad y Justicia fueron las que se consideraron más relevantes por parte de los estudiantes, tal y como se esperaba, puesto que estas virtudes son básicas a la hora de influir en la voluntad de otras personas, desde el respeto de la individualidad del usuario, hacia un estado de bienestar (Peterson & Seligman, 2004)Positive psychology is a social science of relatively recent development that analyzes the bases of psychological wellbeing from the strengths and virtues of each individual and their potential to influence others to achieve the fullness and personal development. In the context of Positive Psychology VIA-Is test was applied to 186 first grade of Social Work students at the University Complutense of Madrid during 2011-2012. The aim of this investigation was to establish the profile of virtues and strengths which the student considers the key for the future performance as a social worker. The virtues of Humanity and Fairness were considered the most relevant by the students, as expected, because of these virtues are essential when they come to influence the will of others, respecting the individuality of user to a state of wellbeing (Peterson &Seligman, 2004).spaUna aproximación al Trabajo Social desde la óptica de la Psicología positiva (virtudes y fortalezas)An approach to Social Work from the perspective of Positive Psychology (virtues and strengths)journal articlehttp://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CUTS/indexopen access159.9.019159.942.5364Psicología positivaFortalezasVirtudesTrabajador socialVIA-IS.Positive psychologyStrengthsVirtuesSocial WorkerVIA-ISPersonalidad6111 Personalidad