Aguirre Carmona, PabloAlonso Rodríguez, José Antonio2024-01-162024-01-162020-09-03Aguirre, Pablo y Alonso, José Antonio. “What makes capital account regulation effective? Comparing the experiences of Brazil, Peru and Iceland”. Journal of Economic Issues. 2020 54:3, 772-797.1946-326X10.1080/00213624.2020.1787052 studies confirm that the impact of capital account regulation (CAR) is highly case-specific, which underlines the need to identify the determinants of CAR effectiveness in greater depth. Coming from a political economy perspective, this article aims to contribute to this subject by comparing three experiences of intense regulation: Brazil (2008-2013), Peru (2008-2013), and Iceland (2008-2017). The main result encountered is that the bargaining power of the different sectors involved in regulation represents a crucial factor in explaining the impact of this policy. Furthermore, domestic banks play an important role in the effectiveness of capital account regulationengAttribution 4.0 InternationalWhat makes capital account regulation effective? Comparing the experiences of Brazil, Peru and Icelandjournal article access658.147657.411Capital account regulationCapital controlsBrazilPeruIcelandEconomía regionalEconomía internacional5310 Economía Internacional