Guerrero Irigoyen, SaraCadanno Mendía, DonaAgüí Chicharro, María LourdesBarderas Manchado, RodrigoCampuzano Ruiz, SusanaYáñez-Sedeño Orive, PalomaPingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel2024-01-122024-01-122019Guerrero S, Cadano D, Agüí L, Barderas R, Campuzano S, Yáñez-Sedeño P, et al. Click chemistry-assisted antibodies immobilization for immunosensing of CXCL7 chemokine in serum. J Electroanal Chem. 2019 Feb 21; 837:246–53.1572-665710.1016/j.jelechem.2019.02.043 first electrochemical immunosensor for the determination of CXCL7 (chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7) autoimmune biomarker is reported in this work. Click chemistry-assisted antibodies immobilization was per formed by reaction of azide functionalized-multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and ethynyl-IgG onto screen-printed carbon electrodes. The capture antibodies were further immobilized onto IgG-MWCNTs con jugates. After a blocking step with casein, a sandwich immunoassay was implemented involving biotinylated detector antibodies and alkaline phosphatase (AP)-streptavidin conjugate. Differential pulse voltammetry upon addition of 1-naphthylphosphate was used as the analytical readout. A linear calibration plot between 0.5 and 600 pg mL−1 CXCL7 and a LOD value of 0.1 pg mL−1 were obtained. The usefulness of the immunosensor was demonstrated by the successful analysis of serum samples from patients with rheumatoid arthritis.engAttribution 4.0 InternationalClick chemistry-assisted antibodies immobilization for immunosensing of CXCL7 chemokine in serumjournal article access543544.6:543.25543.25:544.6ChemokinesCXCL7Autoimmune diseasesRheumatoid arthritisBiomarkersClick chemistryElectrochemical immunosensorSerumQuímica analítica (Química)2301 Química Analítica2301.04 Análisis Electroquímico