Amores Lázaro, Ángel Miguel2023-06-212023-06-211982D.J. ALEKSEVIKII Groups of conformal transformation in Riemannian spaces. Math. USSR Sbornik 18 285-301 (1972) G. HOCHSCHILD The structure of Lie groups. Holden-Day. San Francisco (1965) J.L. KOSZUL Lectures on fibre bundles and Differential Geometry. Tata Institute. Bombay (1965) R.S. PALAIS On the existence of slices for actions of non-compact Lie groups. ann. of Math. 73 295-323 (1961)0010-0757 author considers an m-dimensional manifold M, two closed subgroups G, H of GL(m;R) with G containing H, and a G-structure p:A!M. A Lie group of transformations of A is said to be inessential if there exists anH-structure B in A such that Aut(B). The aim of this paper is to impose conditions onM, G,H,A and so that is inessential.engGroups of transformations of a G-structure which leave invariant a substructurejournal article access514.7Invariant substructureG-structureLie group of transformationsGeometría diferencial1204.04 Geometría Diferencial