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To this end, we first describe the basic steps in the known mechanisms of blood vessel morphogenesis, whose structure, function and unfolding properties are examined. We then provide a wide, although by no means exhaustive, account of mathematical models which are used to describe and discuss particular aspects of the overall biological process considered. We finally summarize the approaches presented, and suggest possible directions for future research. Details about some of the major signalling molecules involved are included in a first Appendix at the end of the paper. A second Appendix provides a brief overview of design principles for vascular nets, a subject that has deserved considerable attention over the years.engModelling vascular morphogenesis: current views on blood vessels developmentjournal articlehttp://www.worldscinet.com/m3as/19/preserved-docs/19supp01/S021820250900384X.pdfhttp://www.worldscinet.comrestricted access611.1611.013/.018517.956.451-76519.87Mathematical modellingblood vessels formationvascular patterningreaction-diffusion equationsindividual-based modelsdesign principlesendothelial growth-factorbiological pattern-formationreceptor tyrosine kinasesarterial-venous differentiationextended potts-modeltree-shaped networkssmooth-muscle-cellin-vitroextracellular-matrixsignaling pathwaysBiomatemáticasEcuaciones diferencialesInvestigación operativa (Matemáticas)2404 Biomatemáticas1202.07 Ecuaciones en Diferencias1207 Investigación Operativa