Rodríguez Bernal, AníbalDomínguez de Tena, Joaquín2023-11-222023-11-222023-10-301982-6907 this work, we study the decay of mass for solutions to the heat equation in exterior domains, i.e., domains which are the complement of a compact set in RN . Different homogeneous boundary conditions are considered, including Dirichlet, Robin, and Neumann conditions. We determine the exact amount of mass loss and identify criteria for complete mass decay, in which the dimension of the space plays a key role. Furthermore, the paper provides explicit mass decay rates.engOn the loss of mass for the heat equation in an exterior domain with general boundary conditionsjournal article2316-9028open accessHeat equationExterior domainMass lossAsymptotic massDecay ratesDirichletNeumannRobinBoundary conditionsEcuaciones diferenciales1202.20 Ecuaciones Diferenciales en derivadas Parciales