Franco Peláez, Francisco JavierZong, YiAgapito Serrano, Juan Andrés2023-06-202023-06-202006-08-280018-949910.1109/TNS.2006.880948 2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other worksThe frequency behavior of a bipolar operational amplifier (op amp) is always expected to worsen when the device is irradiated. In other words, parameters like the slew rate and the gain-bandwidth product are to decrease after either neutron or gamma tests. However, some neutron and TID tests performed on a large variety of bipolar op amps have shown that the evolution of the frequency behavior is not as simple as it is usually believed. In fact, there is evidence of an increasing influence of the power supply values on the former parameters, which can be extremely important in some devices. Also, the relationship among different frequency parameters has been investigated and, finally, an interesting and scarcely reported phenomenon is depicted. This phenomenon is the appearance of spontaneous oscillations in fed-back op amps, without doubt related to the modification of the gain and phase margins of the devicesengNew details about the frequency behavior of irradiated bipolar operational amplifiersjournal article access537.8Bipolar integrated circuitsGamma-ray effectsNeutron effectsOperational amplifiersOscillationsBipolar operational amplifier irradiationFrequency behaviorGain-bandwidth productGamma testNeutron testOscillationPower supplySlew rateDegradationFrequencyInductorsLarge Hadron ColliderNeutronsPerformance evaluationPower suppliesTestingVoltageBipolar technologyNeutron irradiationElectrónica (Física)Radiactividad