Suárez Granero, AntonioJiménez Sevilla, María Del MarMoreno, José Pedro2023-06-202023-06-2019980039-3223 BX be the set of all closed, convex and bounded subsets of a Banach space X equipped with the Hausdor metric. In the rst part of this work we study the density character of BX and investigate its connections with the geometry of the space, in particular with a property shared by the spaces of Shelah and Kunen. In the second part we are concerned with the problem of Rolewicz, namely the existence of support sets, for the case of spaces C(K).engConvex sets in Banach spaces and a problem of Rolewiczjournal article;1&qt=CHILDREN-STATELESSrestricted access512Álgebra1201 Álgebra