Villanueva, IgnacioPérez García, DavidCabello Sánchez, Félix2023-06-202023-06-202006-100024-610710.1112/S0024610706023118 describe complemented Copies Of l(2) both in C(K-1)circle times C-pi(K-2) when at least one of the compact spaces K-i is not scattered and in L-1(mu(1))circle times L-is an element of(1)(mu(2)) when at least one of the measures is not atomic. The corresponding local construction gives uniformly complemented copies of the l(2)(n) in c(0)circle times(pi)c(0.) We continue the study of c(0)(l(2)(n)) showing that it contains a complemented copy of Stegall's space c(0)(l(2)(n)) and proving that (c(0)circle times(pi)c(0))" is isomorphic to l infinity(l(infinity)(n)circle times(pi)l(infinity)(n)) together with other results. 2 In the last section we use Hardy spaces to find an isomorphic copy of L-p in the space of compact operators from L-q to L-r, where 1 < p, q, r < infinity and 1/r = 1/p + 1/q.engUnexpected subspaces of tensor productsjournal article access517Dunford-Pettis propertyBanach-spacesAnálisis matemático1202 Análisis y Análisis Funcional