López de Pablo, Carlos TomásRoldán Martín, M. J.Martín de Agar, Pilar2023-06-202023-06-2020121469-971010.1080/01426397.2011.641949https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/42892Landscape is organised in mosaics: sets of patches with a defined pattern of boundaries through which patches interact. Changes in patches cause changes in mosaics. Landscape change has two components: a quantitative one, referring to the areas in which changes happen, and a qualitative one, referring to the degree of similarity among the mosaics substituting each other. The quantitative component informs on the magnitude of the change: the total area in which landscape mosaics have changed; the qualitative one informs on the significance thereof: the ecological differences between the mosaics substituting each other. This paper presents an index for quantifying landscape change and for discriminating between magnitude and significance therein. It was tested by study of changes in the landscape mosaics in Madrid, Spain. Results show that the index developed is useful for this purpose. This enables objective comparison of different landscape changes presenting different combinations of magnitude and significance.engMagnitude and significance in landscape changejournal articlehttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01426397.2011.641949restricted access574(460)Landscape changeecological changelandscape mosaicsland usechange indexEcología (Biología)2401.06 Ecología animal