Rodríguez Alonso, LuisLópez Sánchez, JesúsSerrano, AídaRodríguez de la Fuente, OscarGalván, Juan CarlosCarmona Tejero, Noemí2023-06-222023-06-222022-012310-286110.3390/gels8010034© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, The authors acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for financing the projects RTI2018-095856-B-C21 (AEI/FEDER; PIE: 2021-60-E-030, PIE: 2010-6-OE-013, and PID2019- 104717RB-I00). A.S. acknowledges the financial support from the Comunidad de Madrid for an “Atracción de Talento Investigador” contract (no. 2017-t2/IND5395). The authors acknowledge the CNME Unit of the UCM for SEM measurements.Physiological human fluid is a natural corrosive environment and can lead to serious corrosion and mechanical damages to light Mg-Al alloys used in prosthetics for biomedical applications. In this work, organic-inorganic hybrid coatings doped with various environmentally friendly and non-toxic corrosion inhibitors have been prepared by the sol-gel process for the corrosion protection of AZ61 magnesium alloys. Effectiveness has been evaluated by pH measurements, optical microscopy, and SEM during a standard corrosion test in a Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution. The results showed that the addition of an inhibitor to the sol-gel coating can improve significantly the corrosion performance, being an excellent barrier for the L-cysteine-doped hybrid sol-gel films. The incorporation of TiO2 nanoparticles, 2-Aminopyridine and quinine organic molecules slowed down the corrosion rate of the Mg-Al alloy. Graphene oxide seemed to have the same response to corrosion as the hybrid sol-gel coating without inhibitors.engAtribución 3.0 EspañaHybrid sol-gel coatings doped with non-toxic corrosion inhibitors for corrosion protection on AZ61 magnesium alloyjournal article access538.9Graphene oxideBiocompatibilityBehaviorCompositesSol-gelCorrosion inhibitorsL-cysteineHanks' solutionAZ61 magnesium alloyFísica de materialesFísica del estado sólido2211 Física del Estado Sólido