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Sci. 89 (2003) 2902–2916.0011-916410.1016/j.desal.2013.02.023© 2013 Elsevier B.V. The financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness (Project MAT2010-19249, Ministry of Science and Innovation) is acknowledged. The author thanks Grazyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Department of Nuclear Methods and Process Engineering, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (Warsaw, Poland), for providing all necessary facilities to carry out the DCMD tests for the treatment of radioactive aqueous solutions and the analysis of the samples in her Institution (FP6 European Funds under Marie Curie project: AMERAC no. MTKDCT-2004-509226).Direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) is proposed for processing low and intermediate level radioactive liquid wastes by means of surface modified flat sheet membranes to produce distilled water and to reduce the volume of the radioactive wastes for further safe storage and disposal. Different membranes were prepared by the phase inversion method using different fluorinated surface modifying macromolecules (SMMs). The host polymers are polysulfone and polyethersulfone. The structural characteristics of the membranes were studied. During membrane formation, SMMs migrate to the top membrane surface changing its characteristics. The DCMD experiments were performed with non-active and radioactive model solutions containing the most common radioisotopes present in liquid radioactive wastes, cobalt-60, Co-60, caesium-137, Cs-137 and strontium-85, Sr-85. The surface modified membranes removed completely radioactive species in one stage. The obtained permeate has activity on the level of natural background. The performance of the surface modified membranes was compared to that of the commercial membrane TF200 (Gelman). Higher values of the liquid entry pressure of water, lower permeate fluxes, higher rejection factors and lower radioactive adsorption to the membrane surface were observed for the surface modified membranes. The obtained results indicate that fluorinated surface modifying macromolecules have potential for application in nuclear technology.engTreatment of radioactive wastewater solutions by direct contact membrane distillation using surface modified membranesjournal article access536Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Composite MembranesAlkaline Nuclear-WasteModifying MacromoleculesSeparationComplexationRecoveryRemovalTermodinámica2213 Termodinámica