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Soc. 110 (1990), 461–462. closed subspace is invariant under the Cesàro operator C on the classical Hardy space H2 (D) if and only if its orthogonal complement is invariant under the C0-semigroup of composition operators induced by the affine maps φt(z) = e−t z + 1 − e −t for t ≥ 0 and z ∈ D. The corresponding result also holds in the Hardy spaces Hp(D) for 1 < p < ∞. Moreover, in the Hilbert space setting, by linking the invariant subspaces of C to the lattice of the closed invariant subspaces of the standard right-shift semigroup acting on a particular weighted L 2 -space on the line, we exhibit a large class of non-trivial closed invariant subspaces and provide a complete characterization of the finite codimensional ones, establishing, in particular, the limits of such an approach towards describing the lattice of all invariant subspaces of C. Finally, we present a functional calculus which allows us to extend a recent result by Mashreghi, Ptak and Ross regarding the square root of C and discuss its invariant subspaces.engAtribución 3.0 EspañaInsights on the Cesàro operator: shift semigroups and invariant subspacesjournal articleopen access517.98Cesàro operatorComposition operatorShift semigroupInvariant subspacesFunctional calculusAnálisis matemático1202 Análisis y Análisis Funcional