Gutiérrez García-Pardo, InmaculadaGómez González, DanielCastro Cantalejo, JavierEspínola Vílchez, María Rosario2024-02-072024-02-072020-10-22Gutiérrez, I., Gómez, D., Castro, J. et al. Multiple Bipolar Fuzzy Measures: An Application to Community Detection Problems for Networks with Additional Information. Int J Comput Intell Syst 13, 1636–1649 (2020). this paper we introduce the concept of multiple bipolar fuzzy measures as a generalization of a bipolar fuzzy measure. We also propose a new definition of a group, which is based on the multidimensional bipolar fuzzy relations of its elements. Taking into account this information, we provide a novel procedure (based on the well-known Louvain algorithm) to deal with community detection problems. This new method considers the multidimensional bipolar information provided by multiple bipolar fuzzy measures, as well as the information provided by a graph. We also give some detailed computational tests, obtained from the application of this algorithm in several benchmark models.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalMultiple bipolar fuzzy measures: an application to community detection problems for networks with additional informationjournal article1875-6883 access519.22-7004.6NetworksCommunity detectionBipolar fuzzy graphExtended bipolar fuzzy graphsMultiple bipolar fuzzy graphExtended multiple bipolar fuzzy graphsLouvain algorithmEstadística aplicada1209.03 Análisis de Datos1209 Estadística