Andrés Toro, Bonifacio deGirón Sierra, José MaríaFernández Blanco, P.Cruz García, Jesús Manuel de laLópez Orozco, José Antonio2023-06-202023-06-202000(Andrés-Toro 1998a), Andrés-Toro, B, Girón Sierra, J.M., López-Orozco, J.A., C.Fernández Conde, Fernández Blanco, P. "A Fast Genetic Optimization for Batch Fermentation Processes ”. 7th International Conference on Computer Application in Biotechnology. Jun.98. Osaka (Japan). 61-66. (Andrés-Toro 1998b), Andrés-Toro, B, Girón Sierra, J.M., López-Orozco, JA., J.M.Peinado. “A Kinetic Model for Beer Production under Industrial Operational Condition ”Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. Vo1.48 nº1. Nov.98. 65-74. (Andrés-Toro 1999), Andrés-Toro, B, Girón Sierra, J.M., López-Orozco, J.A., Alvarez-Ruiz, J, Fernández-Blanco, P.“A Genetic Optimization Method for Dynamic Processes”. Proceedings of the 141h World Congress. IFAC Beijing, P.R.China, 5-9 jul. 99. Volume C, 373-377. Pergamon Editorial. (Bradwell 1999), Bradwell, R., Brown, K., “Parallel Asynchronous Memetic Algorithms”. Proceedings of the GECC099. Orlando (Florida), ju199. Workshop program. 157-159. (Cantu-Paz 1999a) Cantú-Paz, Erick (Ene. 1999), “Parallel Genetic Algorithms with Distributed Panmitic Populations”. IlliGAL Report No.99006. (Cantú-Paz 1999b) Cantú-Paz, Erick (Ju1.1999), “Designing Efficient and Accurate Parallel Genetic Algorithms”. IIliGAL Report No.99017. (Christel 1999), Christel Vrain “A Parallel Genetic Algorithm Based on the BSP Model ”. Proceedings of the GECC099. Orlando (Florida), ju199. Workshop program. 160-162 (Davison 1999), Davison, B., Rasheed, K. “Effect of Global Parallelism on a Steady State GA”. Proceedings of the GECC099. Orlando (Florida), ju199. Workshop program. 167-170. (Goldberg 1999) Goldberg, David (Jul 1999), “Using Time Efficiently: Genetic-Evolutionary Algorithms and the Continuation Problem ”. Proceedings of GECC0’99.Pp.212-219. Vo1.1. (Hidalgo 1999) Hidalgo, J.I., Prieto, M., Andrts-Toro, B., S.Esteban “A Method for Model Parameter Identification Using Parallel Genetic Algorithms”. Proceedings of Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface. Lecture notes in C.Science. 1697. Springer Verlag. 1999.291-298. (Marchiorri 1999) Marchiorri, E., Rossi,C. “A Flipping Genetic Algorithm for Hard SAT Problems” Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. GECCO 99.13-17J~199.V0l 1.393-400. (Michalewicz, 1992) Michalewicz, Z., “Genetic Algorithms + Data Structure = Evolution Program“. Springer- Verlag. Berlin. (Muhlenbein 1988) Muhlenbein, H., George-Schleuter, M., and Kramer, O. “Evolution Algorithms in Combinational Optimization" Parallel Computing, 1988, 7:65-85. (Oates 1999) Oates, M., Come, D., Turton, B.C.H. “The Effects of Selection Pressure on Parameter Choice in Evolutionary Search ” Late Breaking Papers of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. GECCO 99. 13-17Jul99.V01 1. 198-203.0-7803-6375-2© 2000 IEEE. Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2000) (2000, Jul 16-19. La Jolla, California). The authors want to thank the support of the CICYT Spanish committee (project tap97-0607-c03-01). A lot of experience was taken in parallel GA modelling the motions of a fast ferry.In the recent years we introduced a continuity operator, the "Superindividual", that allows for the inclusion of knowledge in the evolution of the Genetic Algorithm, since we deal with very complex optimization problems, we developed a Parallel Genetic Algorithm, with the Superindividual operator. The paper presents this parallel algorithm, which improves on the results of the conventional Genetic Algorithm. Two different models of Parallel Genetic Algorithms are compared, the results are very encouraging.Parallel Genetic Algorithms with a continuity operator that allows for knowledge inclusionbook part only access004Computer Science Theory & MethodsEngineering Electrical & ElectronicInformática (Informática)1203.17 Informática