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At stages 38 and 39 HH the pigmented epithelium contained 13F4 positive cells, which detach from the epithelium and apparently migrate into stroma. These epithelial cells may differentiate into muscle cells. Within this same time period a progressive accumulation of myoblasts was detected between the pigmented epithelium and the ciliary muscle. Some myoblasts containing melanin were also observed. At stage 40 HH the internal portion of the ciliary muscle was visible. These findings indicate that the immunopositive epithelial cells participate in the formation of the internal portion of the muscle. We conclude that the ciliary muscle derives not only from the mesenchymal cells but also from the pigmented epithelium.engCiliary muscle in avian is derived from mesenchymal and epithelial cellsjournal article access611.842617.725ciliary body developmentciliary musclemonoclonal antibody 13F4chick embryoAnatomíaOftalmología2410.02 Anatomía Humana3201.09 Oftalmología