Morales Hernández, Javier2023-06-202023-06-202003-101696-2206 completo retirado a petición del autor con fecha 23 de septiembre de 2019This research, whose results are presented in two separate articles, tries to offer a wider and more accurate view of Putin’s role as Russian president, supported by direct evidence. Part One, which is published here, is focused on his biographical antecedents: the first section deals with his official biographies and their failures; section two presents a detailed analysis of his career in the KGB; section three deals with the start of his political career beside Anatoli Sobchak, and the influence that the mayor of St. Petersburg may have had on him.engWho rules Russia today? An analysis of Vladimir Putin and his political project (I)journal article accessRusiaPutinPolítica interiorRelaciones internacionalesJefes de Estado5901 Relaciones Internacionales5103.01 Jefatura y Realeza