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[28] For SU(2) squeezed coherent states with a finite amount of squeezing the decay of the polarization lies between the blue and green lines in Fig. 1. Since for infinite squeezing s vanishes, so does the component e^−16νt in D(t ) because of the arguments given in Sec. IV. A.1050-294710.1103/PhysRevA.88.052120https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/34650©2013 American Physical Society. We acknowledge financial support from Spanish MINECO Grants No. FIS2009-10061, No. FIS2012-33152, and No. FIS2012-35583; CAM research consortium QUITEMAD S2009-ESP-1594; and UCM-BS Grant No. GICC-910758.We develop an SU(2)-invariant approach to the depolarization of quantum systems as the effect of random unitary SU(2) transformations. From it we derive an SU(2)-invariant Markovian master equation. This is applied to several quantum states examining whether nonclassical states are more sensible to depolarization than the classical ones. Furthermore, we show that this depolarization model provides a nontrivial generalization of depolarization channels to states of arbitrary dimension.engSU(2)-invariant depolarization of quantum states of lightjournal articlehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.88.052120http://journals.aps.org/open access535Dynamical semigroupsUnpolarized lightUncertainty statesEntanglementModelInterferometersDistributionsPolarizationMechanicsRadiationÓptica (Física)2209.19 Óptica Física