Rodríguez López, Juan PedroMeléndez Hevia, NievesSoria, Ana Rosa2023-06-202023-06-2020051576-5172 stratigraphic sections have allowed to establish the stratigraphic architecture of the Escucha Formation in the southern limb of the asymmetrical Cueva Foradada Syncline (Oiete Subbasin, Iberian Basin, Spain). The stratigraphic correlation builded from the studied stratigraphic sections shows the spatial distribution of the main architectural elements and their spatial relationships. Offshore, intertidal, supratidal, flood delta / tidal inlet and bay-lagoon with tidal meandering channel facies associations occurred in a strongly tidal-influenced stratigraphic succession. The occurrence of several key stratigraphic levels characterized by the presence of nodular-iron rich levels with gastropods, levels of oyster accumulations and galuconitic sandstones suggest that the beginning of the Escucha Formation's evolution was characterized by the development of several transgressive periods that interrupted the development of coal-forming and tidal-influenced siliciclastic sedimentary subenvironments.spaArquitectura estratigráfica de la Fm. Escucha (Albiense) en el flanco sur del Sinclinal de Cueva Foradada. Subcuenca de Oliete (Teruel), Cuenca Ibérica Centraljournal article access551.7Stratigraphic architectureTidal subenvironmentsTidal channelsCoalsGeología estratigráfica2506.19 Estratigrafía