Cuchillo Ibáñez, EduardoMorón, Manuel A.Romero Ruiz del Portal, Francisco2023-06-202023-06-2019920146-4124 this paper we use the lower semifinite topology in hyperspaces to obtain examples in topology such as pseudocompact spaces not countably compact, separable spaces not Lindelöf and in a natural way many spaces appear which are T0 but not T1. We also give, in a unified form, many examples of contractible locally contractible spaces, absolute extensor for the class of all topological spaces, absolute retract and many examples of spaces having the fixed point property. Finally we obtain the following characterization of compactness: ``A paracompact Hausdorff space is compact if and only if the hyperspace, with the lower semifinite topology, 2X, has the fixed point property''.engLower semifinite topology in hyperspacesjournal articlerestricted access515.12Tykhonov spacelower Vietoris topologyfixed point propertyTopología1210 Topología