Muñoz, L.Molina, R. A.Gómez Gómez, José María2023-06-172023-06-1720181742-658810.1088/1742-6596/1023/1/012011 School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications (22nd. 2017. Varna, Bulgaria). This research was conducted with support of MINECO/FEDER Grant Nos. FIS2015-63770-P and FPA2015-65035-P.During the last three decades the quest for chaos in nuclei has been quite intensive, both with theoretical calculations using nuclear models and with detailed analyses of experimental data. In this paper we outline the concept and characteristics of quantum chaos in two different approaches, the random matrix theory fluctuations and the time series fluctuations. Then we discuss the theoretical and experimental evidence of chaos in nuclei. Theoretical calculations, especially shell-model calculations, have shown a strongly chaotic behavior of bound states in regions of high level density. The analysis of experimental data has shown a strongly chaotic behavior of nuclear resonances just above the one-nucleon emission threshold. For bound states, combining experimental data of a large number of nuclei, a tendency towards chaotic motion is observed in spherical nuclei, while deformed nuclei exhibit a more regular behavior associated to the collective motion. On the other hand, it had never been possible to observe chaos in the experimental bound energy levels of any single nucleus. However, the complete experimental spectrum of the first 151 states up to excitation energies of 6.20 MeV in the Pb-208 nucleus have been recently identified and the analysis of its spectral fluctuations clearly shows the existence of chaotic motion.engAtribución 3.0 EspañaChaos in nuclei: Theory and experimentjournal article access539.1Energy-levelsFluctuation propertiesSpectrumPhysicsFísica nuclear2207 Física Atómica y Nuclear