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This work made use of the Rainbow Cosmological Surveys Database, which is operated by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) partnered with the University of California Observatories at Santa Cruz (UCO/Lick,UCSC).We present the results of deep Chandra imaging of the central region of the Extended Groth Strip, the AEGIS-X Deep (AEGIS-XD) survey. When combined with previous Chandraobservations of a wider area of the strip, AEGIS-X Wide (AEGIS-XW), these provide data to a nominal exposure depth of 800 ks in the three central ACIS-I fields, a region of approximately 0.29 deg^2. This is currently the third deepest X-ray survey in existence; a factor ∼2-3 shallower than the Chandra Deep Fields (CDFs), but over an area ∼3 times greater than each CDF. We present a catalog of 937 point sources detected in the deep Chandra observations, along with identifications of our X-ray sources from deep ground-based, Spitzer, GALEX, and Hubble Space Telescope imaging. Using a likelihood ratio analysis, we associate multiband counterparts for 929/937 of our X-ray sources, with an estimated 95% reliability, making the identification completeness approximately 94% in a statistical sense. Reliable spectroscopic redshifts for 353 of our X-ray sources are available predominantly from Keck (DEEP2/3) and MMT Hectospec, so the current spectroscopic completeness is ∼38%. For the remainder of the X-ray sources, we compute photometric redshifts based on multiband photometry in up to 35 bands from the UV to mid-IR. Particular attention is given to the fact that the vast majority the X-ray sources are active galactic nuclei and require hybrid templates. Our photometric redshifts have mean accuracy of σ = 0.04 and an outlier fraction of approximately 5%, reaching σ = 0.03 with less than 4% outliers in the area covered by CANDELS . The X-ray, multiwavelength photometry, and redshift catalogs are made publicly available.engAEGIS-X: deep Chandra imaging of the central Groth Stripjournal article access52Active galactic nucleiPoint-source catalogRay selected AGNSimilar-to 1∼1Host galaxy morphologiesField north surveyPhotometric redshiftsLuminosity functionLockman-holeOptical-identificationAstrofísicaAstronomía (Física)