Navarro Lérida, FranciscoTchrakian, D. H.2023-06-172023-06-172019-02-152470-001010.1103/PhysRevD.99.045007 thank Valery Rubakov for valuable comments. We are grateful to Eugen Radu for substantial discussions and collaboration at the early stage of this work. We thank Yasha Shnir for bringing some interesting points to our attention and pointing out some relevant references. F. N.-L. thanks the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies for hospitality during the performance of parts of this work.Vortices of the SO(2) gauged planar Skyrme model with (a) only Maxwell, (b) only Chern-Simons, and (c) both Maxwell and Chern-Simons dynamics are studied systematically. In cases (a) and (b), where both models feature a single parameter lambda (the coupling of the potential term), the dependence of the energy on lambda is analyzed. It is shown that the plots of the energy vs lambda feature discontinuities and branches. In case (c), the emphasis is on the evolution of the topological charge, taking noninteger values. Throughout, the properties studied are contrasted with those of the corresponding Abelian Higgs models.engAtribución 3.0 EspañaVortices of SO(2) gauged Skyrmions in 2+1 dimensionsjournal article access539.1Bogomolnyi solitonsInteraction energyModelsFísica nuclear2207 Física Atómica y Nuclear