González, MaríaRodríguez, JavierRubio-Lago, LuisBañares Morcillo, Luis2024-01-222024-01-222011M. G. González, J. D. Rodríguez, L. Rubio-Lago, L. Bañares; Communication: First observation of ground state I(2P3/2) atoms from the CH3I photodissociation in the B-band. J. Chem. Phys. 14 July 2011; 135 (2): 021102. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.36136560021-960610.1063/1.3613656https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/94280The photodissociation of CH3I in the second absorption band (the B-band) has been studied at the wavelength 199.11 nm, coincident with the 31 0 3R1(E) ← X˜ (1A1) CH3I vibronic transition, using a combination of slice imaging and resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization detection of the CH3 fragment. The kinetic energy and angular distributions of the recoiling CH3 fragment confirm a major predissociation dynamics channel as a result of the interaction between the bound 3R1 Rydberg state and the repulsive 3A1(E) state − ascribed to the A-band − yielding CH3 fragments in correlation with spin-orbit excited I*(2P1/2) atoms. In addition, first evidence of a non-negligible population of ground state I(2P3/2) atoms in the CH3 fragment slice images, suggests a secondary predissociation mechanism via interaction between the 3R1 Rydberg state and the repulsive A-band 1Q1 state.engAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCommunication: First observation of ground state I(2P3/2) atoms from the CH3I photodissociation in the B-bandjournal article1089-7690https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3613656open access544Química física (Química)2307 Química Física