Miguel Calvo, Jesús María deSchweiger Gallo, IngeMozas Majano, Oscar de lasHernández López, José Manuel2023-06-202023-06-2020111132-239Xhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/43433This study analyses a systematic physical activity programme carried out over one year. The study was conducted with 92 employees working in a consultancy company. A total of 53 employees agreed to participate in the programme, while the remaining 39 formed the control group. The aim of the study was to improve the participants’ overall physical condition as a way to enhance cardiovascular resistance, strength and flexibility. The results obtained showed an improvement in the participants’ physical condition. Once the efficacy of the physical training programme was demonstrated, the influence of the intervention on other parameters was examined. The programme participants showed higher levels of well-being and satisfaction with life and work as well as lower levels of perceived stress and better job performance evaluations than the participants in the control group. The implications of the findings are discussed.spaAtribución-CompartirIgual 3.0 EspañaEfecto del ejercicio físico en la productividad laboral y el bienestarEffects of Physical Exercise on Job Productivity and Well-Beingjournal articlehttps://archives.rpd-online.com/article/view/825.htmlopen accessPhysical exerciseHealthWell-beingProductivityPsicología (Psicología)Psicología social (Sociología)Psicología del deporte6302.02 Psicología Social