Arqueros Martínez, FernandoRosado Vélez, JaimeMorcuende Parrilla, DanielContreras González, José Luis2023-06-172023-06-1720191742-658810.1088/1742-6596/1181/1/012047 European Cosmic Ray Symposium (26th. 2018. Altai State Univ, Russia). We gratefully acknowledge support from Spanish MINECO (contracts FPA2015-69210-C6-3-R and FPA2017-82729-C6-3-R) and the European Commission (E.U. Grant Agreement 653477). D. Morcuende acknowledges a predoctoral grant UCM-Harvard University (CT17/17-CT18/17) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid.Cherenkov telescopes are also sensitive to the atmospheric fluorescence produced by the extensive air showers. However this contribution is neglected by the reconstruction algorithms of imaging air Cherenkov telescopes IACTs and wide-angle Cherenkov detectors WACDs. In this paper we evaluate the fluorescence contamination in the Cherenkov signals from MC simulations in both kinds of Cherenkov telescopes and for some typical observational situations. Results for an observation level of 2200 m a.s.l. are shown. In addition, the feasibility and capabilities of IACTs working as fluorescence telescopes are discussed with the assistance of some geometrical calculations.engAtribución 3.0 EspañaThe relevance of fluorescence radiation in Cherenkov telescopesjournal article access539.1Astronomy & AstrophysicsPhysicsMultidisciplinaryFísica nuclear2207 Física Atómica y Nuclear