Prado Gonjal, Jesús De La PazGarcía-Calvo, ElenaGainza, JavierDurá, Oscar J.Dejoie, CatherineNemes, Norbert MarcelMartínez, José LuisAlonso, José AntonioSerrano-Sánchez, Federico2024-06-132024-06-132024-03-05Jesús Prado-Gonjal, Elena García-Calvo, Javier Gainza, Oscar J. Durá, Catherine Dejoie, Norbert M. Nemes, José Luis Martínez, José Antonio Alonso, and Federico Serrano-Sánchez ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2024 6 (5), 2969-2977 DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.3c016532637-61132637-611310.1021/acsaelm.3c01653 materials offer a promising avenue for energy management, directly converting heat into electrical energy. Among them, AgSbTe2 has gained significant attention and continues to be a subject of research at further improving its thermoelectric performance and expanding its practical applications. This study focuses on Ag-deficient Ag0.7Sb1.12Te2 and Ag0.7Sb1.12Te1.95Se0.05 materials, examining the impact of compositional engineering within the AgSbTe2 thermoelectric system. These materials have been rapidly synthesized using an arc-melting technique, resulting in the production of dense nanostructured pellets. Detailed analysis through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals the presence of a layered nanostructure, which significantly influences the thermoelectric properties of these materials. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction reveals significant changes in the lattice parameters and atomic displacement parameters (ADPs) that suggest a weakening of bond order in the structure. The thermoelectric characterization highlights the enhanced power factor of Ag-deficient materials that, combined with the low glass-like thermal conductivity, results in a significant improvement in the figure of merit, achieving zT values of 1.25 in Ag0.7Sb1.12Te2 and 1.01 in Ag0.7Sb1.12Te1.95Se0.05 at 750 K.engAttribution 4.0 InternationalOptimizing Thermoelectric Properties through Compositional Engineering in Ag-Deficient AgSbTe<sub>2</sub> Synthesized by Arc Meltingjournal article access54thermeoelectricsAgSbTe2arc-meltingcompositional engineeringQuímicaFísica (Física)Física del estado sólidoCristalografía (Química)23 Química2210.28 Química del Estado Sólido2207.09 Conversión de Energía2211.04 Cristalografía