Pérez Corona, EstherLópez, N.Plaza, A.Cuevas, M.Vázquez de Aldana, Beatriz R.Heras Puñal, Paloma de las2023-06-202023-06-202012https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/45971The objective of this study was to determine the effect of riverine invasive tree species in the presence and growth of herbaceous understory species. The experiment simulated scenarios in which seeds of grasses, legumes and forbs species were germinated and grown in the presence of leaf litter of tree species, both exotic and native. The effect of one species litter or various species litter mixtures that more closely represent ecosystem natural conditions were considered. The results indicate a negative effect of both native and exotic tree species litter in the growth of herbaceous species. These effects are different depending on the target species. The combination of litter modifies the responses of the target species to the presence of litter.spaAtribución 3.0 EspañaEfecto de las mezclas de hojarasca de especies arbóreas invasoras en las especies del sotobosque de riberaEffect of litter mixtures of invader species on herbaceous understory in riverine areasconference outputhttp://eei2012.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.htmlopen access57458crecimientoespecies exóticasespecies nativasgerminaciónexotic speciesgerminationgrowthnative speciesBotánica (Biología)Ecología (Biología)2417.03 Botánica General2401.06 Ecología animal