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Since inequality is a problem that is growing internationally, this article studies how and through which channels monetary policy can influence on inequality. In this way, effects can be produced through variations in interest rates and income growth, among other variables that are included in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy.spaAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 EspañaEfectos de la política monetaria del Banco Central Europeo sobre la desigualdadEuropean Central Bank monetary policy´s effects on inequalityjournal article accessD31E40E52DesigualdadTipos de interésPolítica monetaria.InequalityInterest ratesMonetary policy.DineroMacroeconomíaMicroeconomía5304.06 Dinero y Operaciones Bancarias5307.14 Teoría Macroeconómica5307.15 Teoría Microeconómica