Garcillán Goyoaga, Beatriz DeMazariegos, Marina S.Fisch, PaulResh, Peter C.Muñoz Ruiz, MiguelGil Herrera, JuanaLópez Granados, EduardoFernández Malavé, Edgar GonzaloRegueiro González-Barros, José Ramón2023-06-192023-06-192014-02-28Garcillán Goyoaga, B., Mazariegos, M. S., Fisch, P. et al. «Enrichment of the Rare CD4+ Γδ T-Cell Subset in Patients with Atypical CD3δ Deficiency». Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, vol. 133, n.o 4, abril de 2014, pp. 1205-1208.e9. (Crossref), of the rare CD41 gd T-cell subset in patients with atypical CD3d deficiencyjournal article accessInmunología2412 Inmunología