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(2003) for the Myerson centrality measure, where the symmetric effect on the centralities of the end nodes of an added or removed edge is a fundamental part of its characterisation. However, the Position centrality measure, unlike the Myerson centrality measure, responds in a more versatile way to such addition or elimination. After studying the aforementioned properties, we will focus on the analysis and characterisation of the Position attachment centrality given by the position value when the underlying game is the attachment game. Some comparisons are made with the attachment centrality introduced by Skibski et al. (2019).engAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaThe position value as a centrality measure in social networksjournal articleopen access519.17Social networksCentrality measuresCoalitional gamesPosition valueAnálisis combinatorioInvestigación operativa (Matemáticas)Topología1202.05 Análisis Combinatorio1207 Investigación Operativa1210 Topología