Pérez Prados, RoquePiñero, David PabloPérez Cambrodí, Rafael JoséMadrid Costa, David2023-06-172023-06-172017-030816-462210.1111/cxo.12488https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/17992Soft multifocal simultaneous image contact lenses have boomed in recent years due to the growing number of presbyopic patients demanding visual solutions, allowing them to maintain their current standard of living. The concept of ‘simultaneous image’ is based on blur interpretation and/or blur tolerance of superimposed multiple images on the retina formed by various powers of a contact lens. This is the basis for a specific type of multifocal contact lens developed for the compensation of presbyopia. Manufacturers have released a great variety of soft simultaneous image lens designs to meet different patient needs but their fitting is still unsatisfactory in some cases. Some presbyopes discontinue wearing contact lenses due to some limitations in visual quality and comfort that can be overcome with an appropriate contact lens selection based on a comprehensive pre-fitting evaluation. This paper aims to review the different types of soft multifocal contact lenses that are currently available for presbyopic correction and to define the steps and factors crucial for their fitting, such as pupil, aberrations, accommodation and centring. A discussion about useful tools to achieve a customised fitting leading to a successful outcome, such as the defocus curve, power profile and questionnaires, is performed.engSoft multifocal simultaneous image contact lenses: a reviewjournal articlehttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cxo.12488/fullhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/restricted access617.7-089.243681.73Defocus curveMultifocalPower profilePupilQuestionnairesSpherical aberrationLentes de contactoOptometría3311.11 Instrumentos ópticos2209.15 Optometría