Sánchez Ramos, CeliaCedrún Sánchez, Juan EnriqueChamorro Gutiérrez, Eva.Bonnin Arias, Cristina NataliaPérez Carrasco, María Jesús2024-07-192024-07-192014-05-07https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/106943Resumen y bibliografíaThe intraocular scattering is a distorting effect of the retinal image. In people with retinitis pigmentosa, the resolution of the retinal image is particularly important. The halometer (Software Halo v1.0 © 2008 Universidad de Granada) can assess quantitatively the intraocular scattering. In recent years it has been shown that the implementation of blue light filters improve visual perception in persons with low vision. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of blue light filters in mesopic perception of patients with retinitis pigmentosa studing the intraocular scatteringengVariations of intraocular scattering in retinitis pigmentosa by interposing short wavelengths filters.Variaciones de la dispersión intraocular en la retinosis pigmentaria mediante la interposición de filtros de longitud de onda corta.conference postermetadata only accessIntraocular scatteringretinal imageretinitis pigmentosahalometerblue light filtersvisual perceptionlow visionÓptica y optometríaÓptica oftálmicaBaja visión2209 Óptica2209.15 Optometría