Cano-Ramos, EmilioLavín Plaza, BegoñaPello, Oscar2024-01-302024-01-302014Cano-Ramos, Emilio, et al. «Inhibition of MYC in Macrophages: Tumor vs Inflammation-Related Diseases». OncoImmunology, vol. 3, n.o 10, septiembre de 2014, p. e956013. of MYC has been postulated as one of the most promising anti-tumoral therapies. However, if some anti-inflammatory cells express MYC, would an anti-tumoral treatment targeting MYC facilitate subsequent inflammation-related disorders?engInhibition of MYC in macrophages: tumor vs inflammation-related diseasesjournal article access577.1InflammationMacrophagesMYCTumorBioquímica (Química)24 Ciencias de la Vida