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[ABSTRACT]The intention of this work is to study the Gothic and Renaissance plates of the 15th and 16th century and the romantic ones, "to the cathedral", Elizabethan and Neo-Renaissance of the 19th century, which there decorate the artistic bindings of the Historical Library of the UCM, analyzing the different types of plates, his design and iconography, comparing the plates with the existing ones in other institutions, doing in addition a historical tour for the decorative styles that have used this artistic resource for the ornamentation of his covers.spaLas encuadernaciones con planchas de la Biblioteca Complutensejournal articleopen access686.11Encuadernación artísticaEncuadernación con planchaAnálisis documental de encuadernacionesArtistic bindingBinding with plateDocumentary Analysis of bindingsHistoria del libro