Martín Palacio, María EugeniaAvilés Dávila, Andrés FernandoCristina Di-GiustoBueno Álvarez, José AntonioMarta Soledad García-RodríguezJesus Manuel Cedeira-CostalesEstévez, EstefaníaHuéscar Hernández, Elisa2024-04-302024-04-302021-08-15Martin-Palacio, M. E., Avilés-Dávila, A. F., Di-Giusto, C., Bueno-álvarez, J.-A., García-Rodríguez, M. S., & Cedeira-Costales, J. M. (2021). Comparison of emotional behaviour of spanish, chilean and england adolescents, and their relationship with effective personality. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16). bibliográficas: • Schoeps, K.; Tamarit, A.; González, R.; Montoya-Castilla, I. Emotional competencies and self-esteem in adolescence: Impact on psychological adjustment. J. Clin. Psychol. Child. Adolesc. 2019, 1, 51–56. [CrossRef] • Inglés, C.J.; Torregrosa, M.S.; García-Fernández, J.M.; Martínez-Monteagudo, M.C.; Estévez, E.; Delgado, B. Aggressive behaviour and emotional in adolescence. Eur. J. Educ. 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For this reason, this study had two objectives: to analyse the existence of significant differences in socio-emotional behaviour in English, Spanish, and Chilean adolescents, taking gender into account, and to analyse the relationship between emotional behaviour and the effective personality model in the Spanish and Chilean samples. A total of 2534 adolescents participated (609 English, 1677 Spanish, and 248 Chilean). The Abbreviated Scale of Emotional Behaviour (ECEA_R: aggressive tendency, social reactivity, and social support) and the Effective Personality Questionnaire—Adolescents (CPE-A: academic self-realisation, socio-affective self-realisation, and resolute efficacy) were applied. A MANOVA was carried out to study the differences in adolescents’ socio-emotional behaviour, taking gender and nationality into account, and a correlational analysis was undertaken to explore the relationship between the variables of emotional behaviour (aggressive tendency, social reactivity, and social support) and effective personality (academic self-realisation, socio-affective self-realisation, and resolute efficacy). Regarding the first objective, for aggressive tendency, English male adolescents stood out, followed by Spanish and Chilean male adolescents and females of all nationalities. In terms of social reactivity, female adolescents stood out over male adolescents and, with regard to social support, Spanish adolescents (male and female) stood out over other nationalities, followed by Chilean and English adolescents (males and females). The results of the second objective indicated a negative relationship between aggressive tendency and academic self-realisation, but a positive relationship for social reactivity and social support (only in the Spanish sample) with most of the effective personality factors. The results are relevant for the application of prevention and intervention programs that improve or implement social and affective competencies in adolescents who develop the effective personality construct.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalComparison of emotional behaviour of spanish, chilean and england adolescents, and their relationship with effective personalityjournal article1660-4601 access159.98159.923159.922.8159.943-053.6159.9.019.4337.015.3BehaviourEffective personalityAdolescentsGenderAggressiveConductaPersonalidadAdolescentesGéneroAgresividadEducaciónEmoción y agresividadPersonalidadPsicología de la educación (Psicología)6102 Psicología del Niño y del Adolescente58 Pedagogía