Flores Vivar, Jesús MiguelPoblación Bernardo, José IgnacioSagrado González, Inés2023-06-182023-06-182017-03-02https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/21926Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, leída el 09/10/2015Introduction and purpose of the research. One of the deepest changes that have occurred in the world of communication in last decades has been the appearance and consolidation of digital communication and the social media, which has a transverse impact both on the corporate communication and the way organization connect with their audience. One of the aspects which are registering a greater level of transformation to these new tools and philosophies has been the virtual press rooms, true points of interaction. The role of journalist and communicators has been altered with the inclusion of a new player in direct communication, which was characteristic of them. New broadcasters and contents creators emerge, in this context, the usual ways of communications are questioned and individual or collective actors get in direct contact with companies and the media. The communications manager becomes a strategic element for the company, he stops being an intermediary. Who managed the information to gain visibility through the passive media, therefore turning into a strategic manager who develops comprehensive communications programs which go beyond the presence on the media, and based on being able to manage the corporate reputation, and project the strategic values of the company among its different interest groups, or stakeholders. Working as a historical container of films and documents, as well as relations managers with the press, the corporate virtual rooms have been maintained and extended for the media from the first moment and are understood, today, as a basic tool in any company-journalist relation, adapted to the new technologic contributions, in what has been called Strategies 2.0. The main purpose of this investigation is to analyze the adaptation and evolution of the Press Rooms of the main five financial institutions in Spain, in stock-exchange capitalization in 2015 (Santander Bank, BBVA, Caixa Bank, Bankia and Popular Bank), to the digital communications and the 2.0 web environment...spaLos gabinetes de prensa de las entidades financieras ante la comunicación virtualdoctoral thesisopen access658.8:004.7(043.2)Gabinetes de prensaComunicaciónVirtualCorporativoSala de PrensaDircomAsociación de Directivos de ComunicaciónInternetPress-officeCommunicationCorporatePress-RoomInternet (Ciencias de la Información)Bancos y cajasMarketing5311.05 Marketing (Comercialización)