Espinosa Luna, RafaelAtondo Rubio, GelacioHinojosa Ruiz, Sinhué LizandroBernabeu Martínez, Eusebio2023-06-202023-06-202011[1] D. Goldstein, Polarized Light, second ed., Marcel Dekker, 2003. [2] J.J. Gil, E. Bernabéu, A depolarization criterion in Mueller matrices, Opt. Acta (J. Mod. Opt.) 32 (1985) 259–261. [3] J.J. Gil, E. Bernabéu, Depolarization and polarization indexes of an optical system, Opt. Acta 33 (1986) 185–189. [4] E. Wolf, M. Born, Principles of Optics, seventh ed., Cambridge, 2005. [5] B. DeBoo, J. Sasian, R. Chipman, Degree of polarization surfaces and maps for analysis of depolarization, Opt. Express 12 (2004) 4941–4958. [6] R. Chipman, Depolarization index and the average degree of polarization, Appl. Opt. 44 (2005) 2490–2495. [7] S.Y. Lu, R.A. Chipman, Mueller matrices and the degree of polarization, Opt. Commun. 146 (1998) 11–14. [8] R. Espinosa-Luna, E. Bernabéu, On the Q(M) depolarization metric, Opt. Commun. 277 (2007) 256–258. [9] R. Espinosa-Luna, E. Bernabéu, G. Atondo-Rubio, Q(M) and the depolarization index scalar metrics, Appl. Opt. 47 (2008) 1575–1580. [10] C. Collet, J. Zallat, Y. Takakura, Clustering of Mueller matrix images for skeletonized structure detection, Opt. Express 12 (2004) 1271–1280.0030-402610.1016/j.ijleo.2009.11.033© 2010 Elsevier GmbH. R. Espinosa-Luna, E. Bernabeu and G. Atondo-Rubio express their gratitude to CONACYT (project 83182) for the support provided for the realization of this work. This work has been realized under the GIPYS initiative (Grupo Interinstitucional de Polarización y Scattering).A simple depolarization criterion for light is proposed. This criterion is based on the depolarization part derived from the degree of polarization formulation. Some reported Mueller matrices are employed to test its reliability and usefulness. Results prove that the criterion proposed can be employed as the first step to test the physical consistency of Mueller matrices.engA simple depolarization criterion for lightjournal article access535Mueller MatricesPolarizationIndexQ(M)Óptica (Física)2209.19 Óptica Física