Carbone, CarloGuzmán Solís, EduardoMaldonado-Valderrama, JuliaGonzález Rubio, RamónOrtega Gómez, Francisco2024-03-062024-03-062024-03-0110.3390/colloids8020016 study investigates the effect of an inert salt (NaCl) on the equilibrium interfacial tension and dilatational modulus of Pluronic F-68 copolymer, a triblock copolymer consisting of two terminal blocks of poly(ethylene oxide) and a less hydrophilic central block of poly(propylene oxide). Interfacial tension measurements were carried out using a surface force balance and a drop shape tensiometer, while rheological measurements were carried out in two different frequency ranges. This involved the use of the oscillatory barrier/droplet method and electrocapillary wave measurements, complemented by an appropriate theoretical framework. This work aimed to elucidate the influence of NaCl on the interfacial behavior of Gibbs monolayers of Pluronic F-68. In addition, this study highlights some of the technical and theoretical limitations associated with obtaining reliable dilatational rheological data at high frequencies (<1 kHz) using electrocapillary wave measurements. The results provide valuable insights into the interplay between salt presence and interfacial properties of Pluronic F-68 and highlight the challenges of obtaining accurate dilatational rheological data under specific measurement conditions.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalIonic strength effect in the equilibrium and rheological behavior of an amphiphilic triblock copolymer at the air/solution interfacejournal articleopen access544Química física (Química)2307 Química Física