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Una de ellas y que está ganando bastante popularidad es el tratamiento quirúrgico mediante artrorrisis. Es una cirugía sencilla y que obtiene muy buenos resultados, no obstante, supone ciertos riesgos y conlleva la posibilidad de complicaciones derivadas del acto quirúrgico. No está muy claro si estos resultados son mejores que otros tratamientos utilizados, como el conservador o las osteotomías. Es necesario un estudio más profundo sobre la patología y su tratamiento para llegar a un consenso y establecer una guía terapéutica completa del pie plano infantil flexible.The flexible pediatric flatfoot is a pathology that is not very well defined. However, the prevalence of it is quite large and is a pathology that often appears in podiatry and medical clinics. As the treatment is not clear, there are many aspects in the literature. One of them and that is gaining popularity is the surgical treatment using arthroereisis. It is a simple surgery and it obtains very good results; however, it involves certain risks and carries the possibility of complications derived from the surgical act. It is not clear if these results are better than other treatments used, such as conservative or osteotomies. A more in-depth study of the pathology and its treatment is necessary in order to reach a consensus and to establish a complete therapeutic guide for flexible pediatric flatfoot.spaArtrorrisis como alternativa de tratamiento en pie plano infantil flexible. Revisión bibliográfica.Arthroereisis as an alternative to flexible pediatric flatfoot treatment. Bibliographic reviewbachelor thesisopen accessPie plano infantil flexibleartrorrisiscirugíaFlexible pediatric flatfootarthroereisissurgeryCirugíaPodología3213 Cirugía