Herrero Fernández, María JosefaMartín Pérez, AndreaGil Peña, InmaculadaAlonso Zarza, Ana MaríaMeléndez Hevia, AlfonsoMartín García, Rebeca2023-06-202023-06-2020100213-683Xhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/42557Detailed petrographic observations of Upper Proterozoic –Lower Cambrian deposits of the Castañar de Ibor allows the characterization of the diagenetic history of these rocks. Graywackes, shales and limestones were deposited during the Upper Proterozoic-Lower Cambrian within a siliciclastic-carbonatic marine platform. Dolomite replaced mostly limestones, but also cemented the siliciclastic deposits. Later on magnesium-rich fluids circulating along stylolites, bedding planes and fractures partially replaced the dolostones and some siliciclastic beds. Finally, a new dolomitisation phase produced replacement of the magnesite by dolomite and dolomite cementation.spaCaracterización petrológica de los niveles magnesíticos y las dolomías encajantes de Edad Proterozoica Superior- Cámbrico Inferior, Grupo Ibor, Castañar de Ibor, Cáceresjournal articlehttp://www.sociedadgeologica.es/publicaciones_geogaceta.htmlopen access552.5MagnesitaDolomitaDiagénesisReemplazamientosTalcoPetrología