Artalejo Rodríguez, Jesús ManuelGómez-Corral, Antonio2023-06-202023-06-2019981532-634910.1080/15326349808807492 stochastic clearing system is characterized by the existence of an output mechanism that instantaneously clears the system, i.e. removes all work currently present. In this paper we study the stochastic behavior of a single server clearing queue in wich customers cannot be continuosly in contact with the server, but can reinitiate the demand some time later. We develop a comprehensive analysis of the system including its limiting behavior, busy period, and waiting time.Analysis of a stochastic clearing system with repeated attemptsjournal article only access519.22Clearing processesRepeated attemptsLimit behaviorBusy periodEstadística matemática (Matemáticas)1209 Estadística