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KA2 projects in higher education represent an extraordinary chance for creating experimental pedagogical projects and for constructing international networks connecting educational institutions, educators, and students. The partners, three universities (the Institute of Psychology and Education of the Eötvös Loránd University ELTE, Budapest; the University Complutense de Madrid, and the University of Thessaly in Greece) and a civil society organization (Artemisszio Foundation) have joined forces in order to create a university course that can function as a model for higher educational programs using virtual mobility as a tool. We spent almost a year to build together a special course on urban studies, accessible for students in our cities. We lay the foundation of the work by conducting research on online pedagogical tools and innovative pedagogical projects around urbanity. This online manual is the final outcome of the STROLL project. It has the aim to break down the project to its constituting elements and to provide a detailed methodological guide to these, in order to make transferability towards university departments, international offices of educational institutions and individual teachers easier. Users of the manual in this way is able to compose their own learning cycle tailored to their specific interests and needs. The manual accompanies the other STROLL project results, equally made available in the online space. Each of these products serve the same purpose of making the project replicable and of allowing professionals building up a solid methodology suitable to combine off-line and online teaching, formal and non-formal teaching methods, as well as theoretical and methodological inputs borrowed from diverse disciplines. However, while the preliminary research will focus on previous examples and good practices, the curriculum will serve as a sample to which teachers and program leaders can turn for inspiration, the case study will tell the story of creating a pilot project, revealing the inherent difficulties and solutions found, this manual directly serves the professional self-development of teachers, offering them a learning path in order to develop new competences and acquire new knowledge.engTeaching Manual STROLL. Walking in the Citytechnical report access37837.036376.737.02371.2371.214ErasmusSTROLLVirtual Teaching and LearningVirtual MobilityInternational MobilityCityInterdisciplinaryArt in the CityDwelling in the CityUrban SpaceGendered CityCurriculum escolarEducación artística (Educación)Educación multiculturalEnseñanza de las HumanidadesFormación del profesoradoEnseñanza universitaria58 Pedagogía5803.02 Preparación de Profesores5801.08 Enseñanza Programada