Rego Fernández, ManuelZamorano Calvo, JaimeGallego Maestro, JesúsVitores, A. G.2023-06-202023-06-201994-01Collin-Souffrin S., Dumont S., Joly M., Peguinot D., 1986, A&A 205, 19 Davis L.E., Cawson M., Davies R.L., Illingworth G., 1985, AJ 90, 169 de Vaucouleurs G., 1948, Annales d'Astrophysique 11, 247 Freeman K., 1970, ApJ 160, 811 Horne K., 1986, PASP 98, 609 Kaler J.B., 1976, ApJS 31, 517 Kent S.M., 1985a, PASP 97, 165 Kent S.M., 1985b, ApJS 59, 115 Kinman T.D., 1983, MNRAS 202, 53 Lonsdale C.J., Helou G., Good J.C., Rice W., 1989, Catalogued Galaxies and Quasars in the IRAS Survey, Jet Propulsion Lab­ oratory, Pasadena MacKenty J.W., 1990, ApJS 72, 231 Mouri H., Taniguchi Y., 1992, ApJ 386, 68 Rego M., Zamorano J., González Riestra R., 1989, A&AS 79, 443 Rego M., Cordero M., Zamorano J., Gallego J., 1993, AJ 105 (in press) Shuder J.M., Osterbrock D.E., 1981, ApJ 250, 55 Simien F., de Vaucouleurs G., 1986, ApJ 302, 564 Ulvestad J.S., Wilson A.S., 1984a, ApJ 278, 544 Ulvestad J.S., Wilson A.S., 1984b, ApJ 285, 439 Veilleux S., 1991, ApJS 75, 383 Veilleux S., Osterbrock D., 1987, ApJS 63, 295 Wamsteker W., Prieto A., Vítores A., et al., 1985, A&AS 62, 255 Ward M., Carleton N., Elvis G., Fabbiano G., Willner S., et al., 1987. in: Khachikian E., Fricke K., Melnick (eds.) Ob­ servational Evidence of Activity in Galaxies, JAU Symp. 121. Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 119 Whitford A.E., 1958, AJ 63, 201 Whittle M., 1985, MNRAS 213, 1 Whittle M., 1992, ApJ 79, 49 Zamorano J., Rego M., González Riestra R., Rodríguez R., 1989, Ap&SS 170, 353 Zamorano J., Gallego J., Rego M., Vítores A.G., González Riestra R., 1992, AJ 104, 10000004-6361© European Southern Observatory. This work was supported in part by the Span­ish "Programa Sectorial de Promoción General del Conocimiento" under Grant No. PB89-l24.The galaxy UCM 2303 + 1702, not previously known, was identified during the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) objective-prism survey. The optical spectrum displays emission lines with a blueward asymmetry. Forbidden lines cover a wide range of ionization exhibiting full width at half maximum (FWHM) unusually broad. An analysis of ionization range and the emission line ratios measured in the spectrum leads to a Seyfert 2 classification. The contour map of isophotes of the CCD image shows an Sbc-Sc+ spiral, nearly face-on, in disagreement with previous works reporting an anticorrelation between the [0_III] line width and the Hubble morphological type in Seyfert parent galaxies. High quality IRAS coadded data have been used to study the far-infrared properties.engProperties of UCM 2303+1702, a new seyfert 2 galaxyjournal article access52CCD surface photometryEmission-line galaxiesRadio structuresSampleRegionDisksAstrofísicaAstronomía (Física)