Blanco Carrasco, Marta (Coordinadora)2023-06-192023-06-192014-10978-84-697-1339-6 aim of this book is to collect the materials produced in the intensive programme coordinated by Universidad Complutense, Madrid, during academic year 2013-214. The programme took place between 23 March and 4 April 2014. It has resulted in four books focusing on the relationship between social work and sustainable wellbeing, in addition to a website and a work seminar on the UCM moodle platform. The structure and methodology of this type of programme permit the attainment of goals that would not be possible in other short-term international learning programmes. IPs offer students and teachers a single learning space, placing particular value upon innovation, internationalization and multidisciplinarity. The programmes generally take place over two or three weeks, with intensive working days creating immersion both in the central topic of the programme and in linguistic terms. Teachers and students participating in IPs report high levels of satisfaction despite the tiring working days in unfamiliar environments. The keys to this success are undoubtedly cooperation among participating institutions and painstaking organization and management of budget by the coordinating institution.engSocial work and sustainable wellbeing: key examples of good practicestechnical report access364364.446Social workSustainable wellbeingGood practicesSocial sustainabilityTrabajo socialBienestar sostenibleBuenas practicasBienestar socialServicios socialesPolítica social6307.05 Servicios Sociales5902.15 Política Social6307.03 Política Social