Alonso Diez, AngelaCáceres Ramos, Sara CristinaPeña Fernández, Laura LuisaCrespo, BelenIllera Del Portal, Juan Carlos2024-01-312024-01-312021-07-212072-669410.3390/CANCERS13153668 inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a highly angiogenic disease for which an-tiangiogenic therapy has demonstrated only a modest response, and the reason for this remains unknown. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the influence of different antiangiogenic therapies on in vitro and in vivo steroid hormone and angiogenic growth factor production using canine and human inflammatory breast carcinoma cell lines as well as the possible involvement of sex steroid hormones in angiogenesis. IPC-366 and SUM149 cell lines and xenotransplanted mice were treated with different concentrations of VEGF, SU5416, bevacizumab and celecoxib. Steroid hormone (progesterone, dehydroepiandrostenedione, androstenedione, testosterone, dihydrotestos-terone, estrone sulphate and 17β-oestradiol), angiogenic growth factors (VEGF-A, VEGF-C and VEGF-D) and IL-8 determinations in culture media, tumour homogenate and serum samples were assayed by EIA. In vitro, progesterone-and 17β-oestradiol-induced VEGF production promoting cell proliferation and androgens are involved in the formation of vascular-like structures. In vivo, intratumoural testosterone concentrations were augmented and possibly associated with decreased metastatic rates, whereas elevated E1SO4 concentrations could promote tumour progression after antiangiogenic therapies. In conclusion, sex steroid hormones could regulate the production of angiogenic factors. The intratumoural measurement of sex steroids and growth factors may be useful to develop preventive and individualized therapeutic strategies.engAttribution 4.0 InternationalAnti-Angiogenic Treatments Interact with Steroid Secretion in Inflammatory Breast Cancer Triple Negative Cell Linesjournal article access61Anti-angiogenic therapiesIBCIMCInflammatory breast cancerSteroid hormonesBiología celular (Biología)2407.01 Cultivo Celular