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We have particularly introduced a new variation to consider soil and topographic amplification effects. Subsequently, we have produced “Newmark displacement” maps for both probabilistic and deterministic seismic scenarios. We have found that rock-falls produced during the last earthquakes in Lorca Basin are associated to Newmark displacements lower than 2 cm. To support this hypothesis we have applied the Newmark method to La Paca rock-fall at a site scale. We have performed a back-analysis to estimate the static safety factor and the critical acceleration. Finally, we have compared the Newmark displacement calculated at La Paca rock-fall at a site scale with our GIS estimations in order to improve the calibration of Newmark’s method at the regional scale.engAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaComparing Newmark’s method at regional, sub-regional and site scales: seismically-induced La Paca rock-fall case (Murcia, SE Spain)conference paperopen access550.34GISNewmarkRock-fallsTopographic amplificationGeologíaSismología (Geología)Geodinámica2506 Geología2507.05 Sismología y Prospección Sísmica2507 Geofísica